Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Giving a friend a peek at the sky's wonders

After quartet practice at my friends the Dodges, I set up the XT8 in their driveway and invited Joanne and Jim out to have a peek at whatever was up. Joanne came out first, and was amazed at the size of the scope. It's really not that big and I have gotten used to it, but I think she has a little Tasco on a tripod so I can understand the reaction!

We looked at M42 through some trees, then Saturn (a big wow) and finally M35, an open cluster, which was a first for her. She made the comment that the various chains of stars seemed to divide the cluster up into areas like a stained glass composition! What a pretty thought!

Jim came out for a peek at Saturn (he's just recovering from knee surgery, so this was a quick peek) but it was a pleasure giving them a look at some beautiful objects in the sky.

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